To Choose Parent in MBOM Structure in CUPS (DELMA_ChooseParentInCUPS_ID)

An opening ID is an entry point used to customize business logic. This opening ID is run to retrieve the parent item in the MBOM structure when creating a new node using the Create/Update Manufacturing Assembly (CUMA) command.

Note: The "CUMA" (Create/Update Manufacturing Assembly) command was known as "CUPS" (Create/Update Process Structure) in previous releases. The abbreviation "CUPS" is still used in the name of the opening ID. In this case, "CUPS" now means "CUMA".
Note: For more information about customization by business rules, see Installation and Setup: Customize: Behavior: Data Setup: Customization by Business Rules.

This page discusses:

General Information

The table below provides you with information related to the definition of the opening ID.

Definition Description
PLM Opening ID DELMA_ChooseParentInCUPS_ID
Customization intent Execution
Execution context Client

Input Objects

Input objects must be of the following types:

  • ThisObject: Product or Part occurrence.
  • Parameters: Corresponds to the context object.

Context Object Parameters

Parameter Name Type Read or Write Comments
iParentMfgItemOccList List Read List of possible parents.




Item occurrence with upper scope to a product.




Reference of the implementing manufactured Item.




Item occurrence under which the given manufactured item is to be instantiated.

(In this case, the list will contain only a single parent item).


In the following sample, the parent item is retrieved from the MBOM structure when creating a new node using the CUMA command.

/* Inputs */
Let iPart(ProductOccurrence)
let iFirstUpperScopedMfgItem(MfgProcessOccurrence)
let iImplementingMfgItemRef(DELFmiFunctionReference)
let iParentMfgItemOccList(List)

/* Output */
let oMfgItemOccurence(List)

Let MfgItemInstance(DELFmiFunctionInstance) 
let ParentMfgItemRef(DELFmiFunctionReference)

/* intermediate nodes */
let MfgItemOccChild(MfgProcessOccurrence)
let listChilds(List)
let listChilds2(List)
Let PartDescription(String)
Let ParentMfgItemName(String)

Let PartInstance(VPMInstance)
Let MfgItemDescription(String)

Let index(Integer)
Let index2(Integer)

let Validation(Boolean)
set Validation = false
set PartDescription =""
set ParentMfgItemName =""

let MymfgItemOcc (MfgProcessOccurrence)

set iPart = ThisObject
if ( NULL <> iPart)
   PartInstance = iPart.Instance
   if (PartInstance <> NULL)
      PartDescription = PartInstance->GetAttributeString("V_description")
	  ParentMfgItemName = PartInstance.V_Name		 

if (true== Parameters.HasAttribute("UpperScopedMfgItem")) 
	set iFirstUpperScopedMfgItem = Parameters.GetAttributeObject("UpperScopedMfgItem")

if (true== Parameters.HasAttribute("iParentMfgItemOccList")) 
	set iParentMfgItemOccList = Parameters.GetAttributeObject("iParentMfgItemOccList")

if (true== Parameters.HasAttribute("ImplementingMfgItemRef")) 
	set iImplementingMfgItemRef = Parameters.GetAttributeObject("ImplementingMfgItemRef")
set index = 1
if(PartDescription <> "")
	for index while index <= iParentMfgItemOccList->Size()
	   set MfgItemOccChild = iParentMfgItemOccList->GetItem(index)
	   if(NULL <> MfgItemOccChild)
	      MfgItemDescription = MfgItemOccChild->GetAttributeString("V_description")
	      if(0 <= PartDescription.Search(MfgItemDescription, 0, true))
		 Parameters.SetAttributeObject("OutputParentMfgItemOcc", oMfgItemOccurence)

if(PartDescription <> "")
	if(false == Validation )
	   ParentMfgItemRef = new("CreateAssembly",ParentMfgItemName,NULL)
	   if(NULL <> ParentMfgItemRef)
	      set MymfgItemOcc = iFirstUpperScopedMfgItem-> InsertPredecessor(ParentMfgItemRef)
	      if(MymfgItemOcc <> NULL)
		   MfgItemInstance = MymfgItemOcc.Instance
		   if(NULL <> MfgItemInstance)
		 	MfgItemInstance.V_description = PartDescription
		   Parameters.SetAttributeObject("OutputParentMfgItemOcc", oMfgItemOccurence)