Filter PPR Content and Reduce Predefined Configurations Display (DELPPRFilterConfigurationFilteredInSession_ID)

An opening ID is an entry point used to customize business logic. This opening ID is run to display a subset of configurations from all predefined configurations attached to roots in the PPR Configuration Filtering dialog box.

Note: For more information about customization by business rules, see Installation and Setup: Customize: Behavior: Data Setup: Customization by Business Rules.

This page discusses:

General Information

The table below provides you with information related to the definition of the opening ID.

PLM Opening IDDELPPRFilterConfigurationFilteredInSession_ID
Customization intent Execution
Execution contextClient

Input Objects

Input objects must be of the following types:

  • ThisObject: Root occurrence having a list of predefined configurations.
  • Parameters: Corresponds to the context object.

Context Object Parameters

Parameter NameTypeRead/WriteComments
NativePredefinedConfigurationListList Read List of all predefined configurations on ThisObject
ReducedPredefinedConfigurationListListWrite List of predefined configurations kept from NativePredefinedConfigurationList.
StatusIntegerWrite 0 if Business Logic is successful


In this sample, only the predefined configurations containing 'Yellow' in their name are displayed in the PPR Configuration Filtering dialog box (in addition to No Filter).

Let status(Integer)
Let configurationName(String)
Let fromIdSetAttName(String)
Let configurationItemfromList(Feature) 
Let thisFeature(Feature)  /* the Occurrence inside Output */
Let filteringPattern(String)
Let NativePredefinedConfigurationList(List)
Let ReducedPredefinedConfigurationList(List)

Set configurationName = ""
Set fromIdSetAttName = ""
Set status=-1

/* In this exemple we keep configurations whose name contains filteringPattern */
Set filteringPattern="Yellow"

if ( true == Parameters.HasAttribute("NativePredefinedConfigurationList") ) 
   Set NativePredefinedConfigurationList=Parameters.GetAttributeObject("NativePredefinedConfigurationList")
  if (NativePredefinedConfigurationList.Size() > 0)  
    if ( true == Parameters.HasAttribute("ReducedPredefinedConfigurationList") ) 
       Set ReducedPredefinedConfigurationList=Parameters.GetAttributeObject("ReducedPredefinedConfigurationList")

       if (NativePredefinedConfigurationList.Size() > 0)  
         for configurationItemfromList inside NativePredefinedConfigurationList   
          if (NULL <> configurationItemfromList)   
            configurationName =  configurationItemfromList.Name   
            if(0  <=  configurationName.Search(filteringPattern, 0, true))  

if ( true == Parameters.HasAttribute("Status") ) 
  Parameters.SetAttributeInteger ("Status" , status) 

if ( true == Parameters.HasAttribute("ReducedPredefinedConfigurationList") ) 
  Parameters.SetAttributeObject ("ReducedPredefinedConfigurationList" , ReducedPredefinedConfigurationList) 