Get Service Item Reference to Use from Scoping Service Items (DELMIA_GetServiceItemReferenceToUseFromScopingItems_ID)

This opening ID is run to filter the Service Item scoping a given product or part.

Note: For more information about customization by business rules, see Installation and Setup: Customize: Behavior: Data Setup: Customization by Business Rules.

This page discusses:

General Information

The table below provides you with information related to the definition of the opening ID.

PLM Opening ID DELMIA_GetServiceItemReferenceToUseFromScopingItems_ID
Customization inten Execution
Execution context Client

Input Objects

Input objects must be of the following types:

  • ThisObject: Product or part on which the test is done.
  • Parameters: Corresponds to the context object.

Context Object Parameters

Parameter NameTypeRead/WriteComments
iServiceItemFatherReference ObjectReadService Item reference that will be the father of the returned service item
iListOfScopingServiceItems List Read List of the Service Items' references scoping the product or part on which the business logic is invoked.
oServiceItemReference Object Write

Reference of the Service Item to use.

May be NULL.

oServiceItemType String Write Type of the Service Item to create, if a oServiceItemReference is not returned.

May be:

  • "DELServiceAssemblyReference" for Service Assembly
  • "DELServicePartReference" for Service Part
  • "DELServiceKitReference" for Service Kit

oServiceItemMagnitude Integer Write

Magnitude of the Service Item to create, if a oServiceItemReference is not returned.

Note: Only required if the type is a sort of continuous.

May be:

  • 0: Each (not continuous Service Item)
  • 1: Length
  • 2: Weight
  • 3: Surface
  • 4: Volume
oCreateScope Integer Write

Specifies if a scope has to be created or not.

Note: Only required if the business logic returns a type to create.

May be:

  • 0: Does not create a scope
  • 1: Creates a scope
  • -1: Applies the Create Item-Product Scope on automatically created Service Part option.


The following sample retrieves the Service Item reference to use for a given product from a list of scoping Service Items.

       Name :   DELMIA_GetServiceItemReferenceToUseFromScopingItems_ID
       Mode : Execution
       Function : Opening run to retrieve the Service Item Reference to use for a given product from a list of scoping Service Items 
       Arguments :
                ThisObject = Product or Part on which the test is done
                iListOfScopingServiceItems (IN) = ListType, list of the Service Items references scoping the Product or Part on which the BL is invoked
                iServiceItemFatherReference (IN) = ObjectType, Service Items reference that will be the father of the returned Service Item
                oServiceItemReference (OUT) = ObjectType, reference of Service Item to use (may be NULL)
                oServiceItemType (OUT) = String, type of the ServiceItem to create, if a oServiceItemReference is not returned
                         Authorized values :
                           "DELServiceAssemblyReference"   for Service Assembly
                           "DELServicePartReference"       for Service Part
                           "DELServiceKitReference"        for Service Kit
                         Any specialized type deriving from those OOTB types is allowed.
                oServiceItemMagnitude (OUT) = Integer, magnitude of the ServiceItem to create, if a oServiceItemReference is not returned (only required if the type is a sort of continuous)
                         Authorized values :
                                 0 : Each (not continuous item)
                                 1 : Length
                                 2 : Weight
                                 3 : Surface
                                 4 : Volume

let ThisRef(VPMReference)
Let oServiceItemReference(DELFmiFunctionReference)
Let iServiceItemFatherReference(DELFmiFunctionReference)
Let iListOfScopingServiceItems(List) 
Let oServiceItemType(String)
Let oServiceItemMagnitude(Integer)

Let NbOfScopingItems(Integer)
Let FatherDesc(String)
Let index(Integer)
Let ItemReference(DELFmiFunctionReference)
Let ItemDesc(String)

set ThisRef = ThisObject.Reference
oServiceItemReference = NULL

/*Read the scoping items */
set iListOfScopingServiceItems = Parameters->GetAttributeObject("iListOfScopingServiceItems")
set NbOfScopingItems = iListOfScopingServiceItems.Size()

Trace(1 , "NbOfScopingItems : ", NbOfScopingItems )

if (NbOfScopingItems > 0)
         /* Read father item */
         set iServiceItemFatherReference = Parameters->GetAttributeObject("iServiceItemFatherReference") 
         if (iServiceItemFatherReference <> NULL)
            set FatherDesc = iServiceItemFatherReference->GetAttributeString("V_description")
                 Trace(1 , "FatherDesc : ", FatherDesc )

         index = 0
         for index while index < NbOfScopingItems
            index = index+1
            set ItemReference = iListOfScopingServiceItems.GetItem(index)
                 if (ItemReference <> NULL)
                    set ItemDesc = ItemReference->GetAttributeString("V_description")
                         Trace(1 , "ItemDesc : ", ItemDesc )
                         if (ItemDesc == FatherDesc)
                                 set oServiceItemReference = ItemReference

Parameters.SetAttributeObject("oServiceItemReference" , oServiceItemReference)

if (oServiceItemReference == NULL)
   Trace(1 , "oServiceItemType : ", oServiceItemType )

   oServiceItemType = "DELServicePartReference"

   oServiceItemMagnitude = 0

   Parameters.SetAttributeString("oServiceItemType" , oServiceItemType)
   Parameters.SetAttributeInteger("oServiceItemMagnitude" , oServiceItemMagnitude)