HVAC Diagram Resources: Available Resources

A resource is a PLM object (for example, a catalog or a business rule) or another type of file (for example, a bitmap or a spreadsheet). In Data Setup, resources are grouped in resource sets. A resource set is a PLM object that implements a single resource table. This topic lists available resources in HVAC Diagram Resources.

Logical Name EKL Name Resource Type Mandatory Criteria Description
Logical Branch Component LogicalBranchComponent RFLVPM Logical Reference Yes - Defines the branch component with a default symbol.
  • The branch component must be a logical hvac branch with an hvac logical port.
  • The creation of symbol representation for the branch component is optional.
Logical Duct ReferenceLogicalDuctReferenceRFLVPM Logical ReferenceNo-Defines a duct reference. This reference is used when a duct is created using Create Duct.