Validate Availability of Actions for L2P Assistant (L2P_ValidateActionsAvailability)

An opening ID is an entry point used to customize business logic. The Validate Availability of Actions for L2P Assistant opening ID is available in the Logical to Physical Assistant Resources resource set.

Note: For more information about customization by business rules, see Installation and Setup: Customize: Behavior: Data Setup: Customization by Business Rules.

This page discusses:

General Information

This opening ID is invoked to control availability of actions provided by the Logical to Physical Assistant for the input item and its family.

Definition Description
PLM Opening ID L2P_ValidateActionsAvailability
Customization intent Computation
Execution context Client

Input Objects

Input objects must be of the following types:

  • ThisObject: Input of L2PItem type for which Actions Availability will be set.
  • Parameters corresponds to the context object.

Context Object Parameters

Parameter Name Type Read or Write Comments
SetPartNumber Boolean Write Availability of the command computed by the business rule.
SetReference3D Boolean Write Availability of the command computed by the business rule.
SetParent3D Boolean Write Availability of the command computed by the business rule.
AutoPlace3D Boolean Write Availability of the command computed by the business rule.
ManualPlace3D Boolean Write Availability of the command computed by the business rule.
Note: Value only available for L2PItem_Equipment and L2PItem_ElectricalDevice.
Move3D Boolean Write Availability of the command computed by the business rule.
Note: Value only available for L2PItem_Equipment and L2PItem_ElectricalDevice.
Replace3D Boolean Write Availability of the command computed by the business rule.
Note: Value only available for L2PItem_Equipment and L2PItem_ElectricalDevice.
Delete3D Boolean Write Availability of the command computed by the business rule.
ChangeParent3D Boolean Write Availability of the command computed by the business rule.
Reconcile Boolean Write Availability of the command computed by the business rule.
DeleteLink Boolean Write Availability of the command computed by the business rule.
Synchronize3D Boolean Write Availability of the command computed by the business rule.
LaunchCRA Boolean Write Availability of the command computed by the business rule.
Note: Value on available for L2PItem_Wire.


let logocc(LogicalOccurrence)
let sInstName(String)
set logocc = ThisObject.Facet2D
sInstName = logocc.Name
Parameters.SetAttributeBoolean("ManualPlace3D", false)
Parameters.SetAttributeBoolean("Synchronize3D", false)
if(0 <= sInstName.Search("Equ1"))
	Parameters.SetAttributeBoolean("Delete3D", false)
if(0 <= sInstName.Search("Equ2"))
	Parameters.SetAttributeBoolean("Synchronize3D", true)
if(0 <= sInstName.Search("Equ3"))
	Parameters.SetAttributeBoolean("Replace3D", true)

if(0 <= sInstName.Search("Equ4"))
	Parameters.SetAttributeBoolean("AutoPlace3D", false)