OperationId | String | Read | Identifies the context execution that is, the interactive command launched. Following values are available, but other values may be given, as the business logic may be deployed for other commands: InsertExisting for Insert by Existing commandCut for Cut commandDragDrop for Drag and Drop performing a move or a copy operationPaste for Paste operation
Instance | PLMCoreInstance |
Read | Selected instance object, when it has a meaning for the command. For example, this parameter is given in case of Cut or drag and drop, but not in the context of Insert or Paste. When the instance information is available, the business logic implementation can access the parent reference object and its public attributes. |
TotalNb | Integer | Read | Number of the selected objects for the current command launching. In case of monoselection, this value is 1. |
IndexNb | Integer | Read | Index of the selected object among all selected by the end-user.- In case of monoselection, this value is 1.
- In case of multiselection, it varies from 1 to TotalNb as the business logic is invoked TotalNb times.
Validation | Boolean | Write | Result of business logic execution to say if object should be kept or discarded in case of refusal. The next object of the selection is processed through business logic in all cases. |
Message | String | Write | Message to be displayed to end-user. |
AskUser | Boolean | Write | Result of business logic execution to say if user should be asked to confirm the operation for this input object. An OK/Cancel dialog box is displayed, with the Message parameter content, for the user confirmation. The next object of the selection is processed through business logic after confirmation or refusal.Note:
The validation can be delayed with the InteractionDelayed parameter value.
InteractionDelayed | Boolean | Write | In case of an interaction with the end-user is expected, if this parameter is set to True, the interaction is delayed after the end of the business logic execution and a grouping of possible interactions is managed. This minimizes the interactions in case of multiselection. |