Controlling Geometry Rendering

You can display or hide the finite element representation of the products and parts in your simulation and their associated geometry. For native simulations, you can control rendering settings and options from the postprocessing context toolbar. For both native and imported simulations, you can control rendering settings and options from the Rendering Settings dialog box.

This task shows you how to:

Control Rendering Options from the Context Toolbar

  1. Click the model, and select Rendering Options from the postprocessing context toolbar.
  2. Select the parts in the viewport for which you want to display or hide the finite element representation or associated geometry.
  3. Specify where you want to apply the rendering:
    Whole plot

    Displays the associated geometry with the simulation results for the entire model.
    Per part

    Displays the associated geometry with the simulation results for the selected part.
    Any subsequent changes you make, such as transparency settings, are applied to the whole model or to a specific part, as specified.
  4. Optional: Specify the transparency display for the model or part.

    In the figure below, the left part of the hinge displays at 60% transparency.

  5. Specify the material usage for the model or part.
    • Click Use material from model to display the selected components using the rendering domain of core and covering materials, with the following priorities and exceptions:
      • Covering materials are always displayed by priority wherever the core material domain applies to the parts of the product.
      • Core materials from the lowest support (individual parts) take priority over those from the highest support (root product) of the assembly.
      • Covering materials from the highest support (root product) take priority over those from the lowest support (individual parts) in the assembly.
      • Covering materials are not displayed for the part body or face.
      • This option is available only if there is a material rendering domain assigned directly or by inheritance from a Product component.
      For more information on core and covering materials, see the Material Definition guide.
    • Click Do not use material from model to display the selected components using the contour material.
  6. Click Rendering Settings for additional rendering options.

The display changes and the rendering options persist between sessions.

Control Rendering Options from Rendering Settings

  1. From the Results section of the action bar, click Rendering Settings .
  2. Select the products or parts for which you want to display or hide the finite element representation or associated geometry. Specify the components you want to change by selecting them from the tree, by clicking them in the viewport, or by using both of these processes.

    Note: Multiselection of products and parts is supported in the tree but not from the viewport.

    The tree displays all of the products and parts in your model. Each node in the tree displays with a composite image that describes the following:

    • The background layer indicates whether the selected node is a product ( ) or a 3D part ( ).
    • The top layer indicates whether the product or part has associated geometry and whether it is included in the simulation. The icon means that the product or part has associated geometry that was included in the simulation. The icon means that the product or part has associated geometry that was not included in the simulation. No image in the top layer means that the selected product or part has no associated geometry.

    When you pause over a product or part in the tree, the viewport highlights the selected component. However, pausing over a product or part in the viewport does not change the selected product or part in the tree.

    You can select the components for which you want to change rendering status by highlighting the nodes in the dialog box or by clicking geometry in the viewport. The Apply to children option allows you to apply your rendering changes to the child components as well.

    You can also filter the items in the tree by specifying name criteria in the Name filter field. Wildcards (*) are permissible if you want to specify part of a name. Select Case sensitive to return only the products or parts that match the case of your search criteria.

  3. From the Whole Plot Options box, specify how you want to change the display of the model. The following options are available:
    • For symbol plots, select a Model render style (shaded, material, or wireframe view for the current selection).
    • For isocontour plots, select an Render style option (contours or wireframe).
    • For isocontour contour rendering style, choose one of the following styles:
    Transparent isocontours Isocontours display as blended different colors with no edges.
    Show isocontour edges Isocontours display as different colors with defined edges between gradations.
    • For isocontour plots, select a Exterior render style option (contours, shaded, material, or wireframe).
    • Select Transparency to change the whole model transparency.
      Note: The quality of your transparency rendering is dependent on the transparency mode you specify in the Options dialog box. Navigate to View > Visual Quality, click Edit custom preset, expand Transparency, and from the Transparency mode options, select Order Independent Transparency. Your translucency quality and performance might also depend on your graphics hardware and driver.
    • Select a Material style option (metal, plastic, rubber) for the contour material.
    • For contour plots only, select Variable contour transparency to adjust the transparency level at any position along the results contour gradient.
    • For contour plots only, specify the Position and Transparency for the current marker location.
      Note: To add a new marker, click and select a point on the contour. To delete a marker, drag the marker off the contour or select the marker and click .
    • For contour plots only, select Show model behind contour to display the model material behind the contour overlay.
  4. From the Part Options group box, specify how you want to change the display of the items you clicked in the tree. The following options are available:
    • From the Model options, select Show geometry to display the associated geometry with the simulation results for the selected products or parts.
    • Select Transparency to change the transparency with which the geometry displays for the selected products or parts.
      Note: The quality of your transparency rendering is dependent on the transparency mode you specify in the Options dialog box. Navigate to View > Visual Quality, click Edit custom preset, expand Transparency, and from the Transparency mode options, select Order Independent Transparency. Your translucency quality and performance might also depend on your graphics hardware and driver.
    • Optional: From the Results options, select Use material from model to display the selected components using the rendering domain of core and covering materials, with the following priorities and exceptions:
      • Covering materials display by priority wherever the core material domain applies to the parts of the product.
      • Core materials from the lowest support (individual parts) take priority over those from the highest support (root product) of the assembly.
      • Covering materials from the highest support (root product) take priority over those from the lowest support (individual parts) in the assembly.
      • Covering materials are not displayed for the part body or face.
      • This option is available only if there is a material rendering domain assigned directly or by inheritance from a Product component.
      For more information on core and covering materials, see the Material Definition guide.
      Note: If you do not select Use material from model, Physics Results Explorer displays the selected components using the contour material.
    • Select Force edges off to display simulation results with edges hidden.
    • Select Transparency to change the transparency with which the geometry displays for the simulation results data.
      Note: The quality of your transparency rendering is dependent on the transparency mode you specify in the Options dialog box. Navigate to View > Visual Quality, click Edit custom preset, expand Transparency, and from the Transparency mode options, select Order Independent Transparency. Your translucency quality and performance might also depend on your graphics hardware and driver.
    The display changes and the options in the Rendering Settings dialog box persist between sessions.
  5. Click Close to close the Rendering Settings dialog box.