About Local Mesh Refinement

The local meshing options enable you to customize the mesh density for critical regions of the mesh and to project locations in the mesh where extra nodes or lines of nodes should be added.

See Also
Defining a Local Mesh
Projecting Curves
Imposing Points

The default mesh should be sufficient for most simulations, but you might want greater mesh density for critical spots like small injection locations to yield better simulation results there. You also might want to increase the mesh size in less critical locations in your model, which can help reduce simulation time.

A common approach is to specify the local mesh size for every face where you want to adjust the mesh density; local mesh settings override the global settings. You can also project curve or point on to the mesh; the mesher generates nodes along the projected curve and a node on each imposed point. Adding nodes enables you to increase mesh refinement in critical locations, such as the perimeter of an injection location.

When you have defined the mesh setup and any local refinements, you can generate a mesh that incorporates the settings you specified. You can review and edit the mesh for the plastic part, coolant parts, or mold from the Mesh Part Manager.