Solver Options

The advanced solver options enable you to adjust the behavior of each step in the simulation.

Changes to these options are not commonly required. If your injection molding application has unusual features, you might be able to improve performance or accuracy of the solver using these controls.

This page discusses:

Mold Temperature Options

The Mold temperature simulation automatically analyzes several successive iterations of the molding cycle. The goal of this iterative process is to determine the cyclic temperature solution under steady state operating conditions, similar to passing the startup phase of a cold-started molding machine.

Mold/Melt iterations

These parameters control the iterative solution process.

  • Maximum: The upper limit on the number of iterations before a solution is determined to have reached steady state.
  • Error tolerance: The allowable difference in temperature between the start and end of a steady state cycle, expressed as a fraction of the starting temperature in Kelvin.

Analysis method

These choices determine the numerical formulation used to solve for temperature.

  • FEM-Linear: The linear finite element method.
  • FVM: The finite volume method.

Fill Options

The Fill simulation determines the flow velocity, temperature, and pressure of the polymer as it fills the cavity.

A significant performance improvement can usually be gained by solving the equations for velocity, temperature, and pressure independently, but for some problems this can lead to a loss of accuracy or failure of the Fill simulation. The cavity mesh cells are empty at the start of the Fill simulation and become successively filled with polymer as the melt front advances.

Solver type

Two Fill solvers are available:

  • Coupled: The equations for flow velocity, temperature, and pressure are solved simultaneously.
  • Segregated: The equations for flow velocity, temperature, and pressure are solved independently.

VOF algorithm

The numerical Volume of Fluids (VOF) method is used to determine the sequential order in which cavity mesh cells are filled. Several variations of this method are available to improve performance at the expense of accuracy.

  • Direct: This is the most expensive and accurate method.
  • Indirect: This is the fastest and least expensive method.
  • CICSAM: This method is commonly substantially faster than the Direct method and more accurate than the Indirect method

Filled cell index

This value indicates the volume fraction of polymer that must be contained in a mesh cell before the cell is considered "full." Smaller values provide improved performance at the expense of accuracy.

Pack Options

The Pack simulation determines the flow velocity, temperature, and pressure of the polymer as it solidifies after the cavity is filled. A significant performance improvement can usually be gained by solving the equations for velocity, temperature, and pressure independently, but for some problems this can lead to a loss of accuracy or failure of the Pack simulation.

Solver type

Two Pack solvers are available:

  • Coupled: The equations for flow velocity, temperature, and pressure are solved simultaneously.
  • Segregated: The equations for flow velocity, temperature, and pressure are solved independently.