Fill Time, Temperatures, and Pressure

The simulation setup specifies the fill time, melt and mold temperature settings, and maximum injection pressure.

Adjusting any of these parameters is optional; the default values for these settings are suitable for most simulations.

Fill TimeThe time required to inject all of the plastic material into the mold. The default fill time is 1/10 of the automatic cooling time, which is calculated using an average part thickness, the thermal properties of the plastic material, and the mold temperature..
Melt temperatureThe temperature of the polymer entering the model at the injection locations. The default melt temperature is specified in your selected material.
Mold temperatureThe uniform temperature of the mold cavity walls. The default mold temperature is specified in your selected material.
Maximum injection pressure The maximum pressure that the app can apply at the injection locations. The default setting, 100 MPa, is the same for all simulations.