Test Execution Lifecycle

This lifecycle controls test execution objects related to a test case.

The Test Execution lifecycle includes these states:

This page discusses:


The "Private" state is the only state in which the Owner or object owner can delete test execution.

In Work

The test execution object is created in the "In Work" state. The object owner can add assignees to the test execution object. The object owner and assignees can add information to it or its test results section in the "In Work" state. The QE manager plans and records when the test execution will take place. Only the object owner or Leader can promote or demote it when it is in the "In Work" state.


When the object is promoted to the "Frozen" state, the "Actual End Date" attribute is populated with the current system date. In the "Frozen" state, only the object owner has access to the test execution. The object owner or Leader can modify the following attribute information: Estimated Start Date, Estimated End Date, Percentage Passed. Only the object owner or Leader can promote or demote it when it is in the "Frozen" state.


Only the object owner can demote the test execution object once it is in the "Released" state. In this state, the test execution object cannot be modified by anyone.


Once the test execution is in the "Obsolete" state, it can no longer be used.