Analyzing Direction for Sheet Connector Symbol

You can verify that the right symbol is displayed according to the flow defined for the connection point.

Before you begin:
  1. From the Layout section of the action bar, click Check Sheet Connector .
  2. In the dialog box, select the Check all flows and offsheets direction in session option in the list.
    The pipe with a wrong sheet connector symbol at its end appears in the Routable List area.
  3. Select the routable and click Switch to View to highlight the selected sheet connector in the diagram view.

    Note: If the selected sheet connector is located in another diagram view, the command opens the diagram view containing the sheet connector.

  4. Optional: To replace the displayed representation by another representation defined in Data Setup, click Reset Sheet-Connector.

    Note: If no representation is defined in Data Setup, the current representation is replaced by the default symbol.