About Component Insertion on Routes

This section provides information about the different types of components that can be inserted on a route. Depending on where the symbol is to be inserted on the route, some components are not suited.

For each type of component, the following table tells when:

  • the insertion is allowed:
  • the insertion is impossible:
Position on the route
Component to be insertedStraight Segment of Route

Routes Corner

Unconnected Route End

Connected Route End

Aligned Port Component

Angled Component


Three Ways Valve

Four Ways Valve

Note: First two compatible ports are used.
Note: First two compatible ports are used.
Note: First two compatible ports are used.
Note: First two compatible ports are used.

Non Aligned and Non Angled Component

Note: The original path of the route is modified.

When the insertion is possible, the first two compatible ports are retrieved and transformations are applied to the symbol. It adapts it to the route path for minimum distortion of the original route path.