About Tree Organization

An Extensions node in the tree contains the subnodes for each type of fluidic components.

The illustration below displays an Extensions node with subnodes aggregated under it.

  • Selecting an element in a node under the Extensions node, selects it as well in the original Logical node.
  • All the line ID commands are supported by the piping objects available in the subnodes of the Extensions node.
The Equipment node aggregates equipment present in the system and the ports of the equipment.

Line ID
The Line ID node aggregates the line IDs present in the system and the members of the line ID.

Note: When a piping object is transferred as the member of a piping line, it is removed from its respective node. It is then added under the Line ID node of which it becomes the member.
Fluid Part
The Fluid Part node aggregates the piping components present in the system and the nodes of the piping components.

Fluid Route
The Fluid Route node aggregates pipes present in the system and the nodes of the pipe.