Piping & Tubing Systems Design Catalog Import

Catalogs can be imported in 3DEXPERIENCE.

This page discusses:

Piping and Tubing Catalog Content

The following table describes the catalogs available in Piping & Tubing Systems Design.

Catalog Name3DXML File Name3DXML File Location
ANSI PID_ANSI.3dxml .\win_b64\startup\EquipmentAndSystems\FluidicLogical\Catalog
DIN PID_DIN.3dxml .\win_b64\startup\EquipmentAndSystems\FluidicLogical\Catalog
ISO PID_ISO.3dxml .\win_b64\startup\EquipmentAndSystems\FluidicLogical\Catalog
Tubing Catalog PID_DIN.3dxml .\win_b64\startup\EquipmentAndSystems\FluidicLogical\Catalog

The catalog needs to be imported through the Import 3D XML dialog box. For more information about catalogs import, see Design IP Classification User's Guide > Exporting and Importing a Catalog or a Chapter as a 3D XML File.

V5 to V6 Catalog Import

Catalogs can be imported from V5 to 3DEXPERIENCE.

The following table describes the import correspondence between V5 catalog and 3DEXPERIENCE catalog.

V5 Catalog Location3DEXPERIENCE Catalog Location
.\win_b64\startup\EquipmentAndSystems\Piping\PipingDiagrams\ComponentCatalogs\ .\win_b64\startup\EquipmentAndSystems\Piping\PipingDiagrams\ComponentCatalogs\


The example below illustrates the structure of a catalog when opened in V5.

In 3DEXPERIENCE, the structure of a catalog, when imported, is as follows.

Graphical symbols from the International Standard IEC 60617 are included in this Dassault Systèmes product under license from the International Electrotechnical Commission: http://www.iec.ch/