Merging Line IDs

You can merge one line ID to another line ID using the Merge Line ID command.

This command is based on the merging principle:

  • From one or more objects that are the source of the "medium" being transported in the logical line
  • To one or more objects that are the destination of this "medium".

Before you begin: Open the piping logical system in which you want to merge line IDs.
  1. From the Edition section of the action bar, click Merge Line ID .
  2. In the Merge Line ID dialog box, click the FROM tab.
  3. In the dialog box, select the line ID from which you want to add objects.

    Tip: To make your selection, you can sort the columns in the Merge Line ID dialog box. Click the column headers Name, Standard, Nominal Size, and Pipe Specification.

    In the dialog box, FROM Line ID is set to the name of selected the line ID. All the members of this line ID are highlighted in the tree and in the logical representation.
  4. Click the TO tab.
    TO Line ID is underlined and becomes the destination for your selection in the next step.
  5. In the dialog box, select the line ID to which you want to add objects.
    In the dialog box, TO Line ID is set to the name of the selected line ID. All members of this line ID are highlighted in the tree and in the logical representation.
  6. Click Merge.
    A message appears indicating you whether the merge is successful.

If successful, the objects in the FROM Line ID are merged with those of the TO Line ID. FROM Line ID is deleted from the document.