R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)
Manufacturing Simulations and 3DCS Spec StudiesBenefits: You can now assess gap and flush during Perceive Quality reviews thanks to
position variants based on 3DCS spec studies.
3DCS Variation Analyst for 3DEXPERIENCE (3DCS for 3DEXPERIENCE) is a software solution integrated to CATIA
3DEXPERIENCE. It simulates product assembly and part tolerance 3D stack-ups through Monte
Carlo Analysis, Equation-Based, and High-Low-Median (Sensitivity) Analysis.
3D HTML DisplayBenefits: Presentation users can now interact with web content, for example,
Human-Machine Interface (HMI) mock-ups generated by prototyping software.
Working with HumansBenefits: The integration of humans is now more complete.
Primitive Creation Commands in Action BarBenefits: It is now possible to create primitives even if the
Project panel is not open.
R2022x GA
Support of Simulation ResultsBenefits: You can now create variants based on physics simulation results, and explore
them along with other types of variants to make enlightened design decisions.
VR Skillset for Variant ExplorationBenefits: The user experience is more fluid and intuitive. Furthermore, it is now easier
to activate a series of variants.