What's New

This page describes recent changes in Product Perception Experience.

This page discusses:

R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)

Manufacturing Simulations and 3DCS Spec Studies

The new Insert Existing Manufacturing Simulation command lets you insert an existing manufacturing simulation object into a presentation.
Provided that the manufacturing simulation object contains 3DCS spec studies, you can directly create position variants from it.

Benefits: You can now assess gap and flush during Perceive Quality reviews thanks to position variants based on 3DCS spec studies.

Note: 3DCS Variation Analyst for 3DEXPERIENCE (3DCS for 3DEXPERIENCE) is a software solution integrated to CATIA 3DEXPERIENCE. It simulates product assembly and part tolerance 3D stack-ups through Monte Carlo Analysis, Equation-Based, and High-Low-Median (Sensitivity) Analysis.

3D HTML Display

It is now possible to create a 3D HTML Display actor in a presentation.
This adds a 3D HTML Display actor to the tree available in the Project panel, under the 3D node. A 3D HTML Display actor is a 3D viewer displaying the content of a website with which you can interact in the presentation mode.

Benefits: Presentation users can now interact with web content, for example, Human-Machine Interface (HMI) mock-ups generated by prototyping software.

Working with Humans

You can now access, and work with, the human actors found in an inserted product and its subproducts.
These humans offer the same capabilities than humans created or inserted directly in Product Perception Experience.

Benefits: The integration of humans is now more complete.

Primitive Creation Commands in Action Bar

The commands allowing you to create primitives (cubes, spheres, etc.) are now available directly in the action bar.
Benefits: It is now possible to create primitives even if the Project panel is not open.

R2022x GA

Support of Simulation Results

You can now insert a physics simulation into the experience, to access the results of a physics simulation, and explore the various result plots.

Like other objects, simulations have properties that you can edit to suit your presentation needs.

You can create simulation result variants from the plot elements available in a simulation case.

Benefits: You can now create variants based on physics simulation results, and explore them along with other types of variants to make enlightened design decisions.

VR Skillset for Variant Exploration

A dedicated skillset, Variant Exploration, is now available to explore the design presentation in the Virtual Reality (VR) mode.

You can now capture viewpoints and stages using the Capture Viewpoint and Capture Stage commands available on the controller in your nondominant hand. The Show Viewpoints and Highlight Triggers commands are now available directly on the controller in your dominant hand. In addition, the new Previous and Next commands let you activate variants quickly.
Benefits: The user experience is more fluid and intuitive. Furthermore, it is now easier to activate a series of variants.