Defining a Pivot Axis for an Actor

Define Pivot Axis lets you define a pivot axis for the currently selected actor.

Before you begin:

Select and expose the actor you are going to work on. Keep it selected.

  1. To redefine the position and orientation of the actor manually, change the X, Y, and Z position and rotation values.

    You can also move the robot manually. First, right-click it and select Disconnect robot from selection, then move it freely.

  2. To use a pre-defined position for the actor, click one of the following options:
    Center Places the robot at the center of the selected actor's bounding sphere.
    Base Center Places the robot at the center of the bottom face of the selected actor's bouding box.
    Local Places the robot at the local position of the selected actor.
    World Places the robot at the world origin.
  3. To use a pre-defined orientation for the actor, click one of the following options:
    Local Matches the orientation of the robot with the selected actor's local orientation.
    Parent Matches the orientation of the robot with that of the selected actor's parent object.
    Root Matches the orientation of the robot with that of the selected actor's root object.
    World Matches the orientation of the robot with the world's orientation.
  4. To redefine the position and orientation of the actor interactively, click Point on Surface , and click the actor to place the robot.
    The orientation of the robot matches the normal of the surface you clicked.
  5. To restore the initial position and orientation of the robot, click Reset to default.