Exporting an Image to 3DSwym

You can publish an image of the current scene directly to 3DSwym.

Note: This command remains active in the presentation mode.

Before you begin: You must be a community member, and 3DSwym must be available on the server to which you are connected. For more information, see the 3DSwym User's Guide.
  1. From the Perception Experience or from the Presentation section of the action bar, click Export Image to 3DSwym .
  2. In the File Name box, enter a name for the image, and select a file format.
  3. Click Save Image.
  4. Enter the required information for the 3DSwym publication.

    Option Description
    Platform Lets you select the targeted platform for publication. By default, the active platform is selected.

    You can change the targeted platform if you have access to several environments.

    Community Lets you enter the community where the image is to be accessible.

    If you do not have any access to a community, an error message is displayed.

    Publication type Lets you select the type of the publication: Post, Media, iQuestion, or Idea.
    Publication title Lets you enter a title for the publication.
    Publication description or comments Lets you enter a description or comments for this publication.

  5. Click Publish.
    A media is created and published with the name and format defined in the previous steps. Depending on the selected publication type, a Post, iQuestion or Idea containing the published media is also created.