Creating Variants from a Product Table

You can create a stage and product variant lines based on a product table contained in a physical product.

  1. In the tree available in the Project panel, under Product Tables, right-click a product table node, and select Create Variants.
  2. In the dialog box, select the assembly families (product table rows) to use to create the corresponding stage and product variants, and click OK.

    • To select all assembly families quickly, select the Identifier box.
    • By default, a new panel will be created. It will contain a stage line, and the product variant lines corresponding to the product tables rows you select. To create only the stage variant line, select Only create the stage variant line.

    Wait until the end of the creation process. This may take some time, depending on the number of variants to process.

The new variant panel displays in the stage line the same assembly families as the product table in an assembly-based app.

Table 1. Description of the variant panel
Number Description
1 Stage line. By default, it is called Identifier. It contains one stage variant per selected assembly family.
2 Active stage variant (identified by a blue border).
Notes: If you created the product variant lines (i.e. you did not select Only create the stage variant line), the following applies:
  • You can activate a stage variant to display the corresponding product table row.
  • The corresponding product variants will also be highlighted. These product variants are identified by a blue dashed border.
3 Product variant lines.
  • Each product variant line corresponds to an instance column from the product table, and bears its name. Knowledgeware-related information and neutral columns are not taken into account.
  • Each product variant line contains two product variants: the first one contains the product or part instance (and bears its name), and the second one (called Off) is empty (thus matching the true or false value of the product table cells).
4 Product variants corresponding to the active stage variant (identified by a blue dashed border).
Note: You can rename the stage line, stage variants, product variant lines, and product variants.