actions |
ExternalReferenceEditor |
The editor receives dragged acceptable types. |
The path of a CausalityRelationship (the dataIndex is used to dispatch in
cells), whose semantic role is
FailureModesEffectsAnalysisPreventionReference3 . |
AnalysedItemImplementedFunctionEditor |
AnalysedItemImplementedFunctionEditor The editor suggests the functions
implemented (reference-reference link) by the analyzed item. |
The path of a CausalityRelationship, whose semantic role is
FailureModesEffectsAnalysisCauseOccurrenceReference3 . |
cause |
CauseEditor |
The path of a CausalityRelationship, whose semantic role is
FailureModesEffectsAnalysisCauseOccurrenceReference3 . |
CauseFailureModeEditor |
The editor receives dragged acceptable types. The union of causeFailureMode and
causeOccurrence gives cause . |
The path of a CausalityRelationship, whose semantic role is
FailureModesEffectsAnalysisCauseFailureModeReference3 . |
causeOccurrence |
CauseOccurrenceEditor |
The union of causeFailureMode and
causeOccurrence gives cause .
The path of a CausalityRelationship, whose semantic role is
FailureModesEffectsAnalysisCauseOccurrenceReference3 . |
directEffect |
DirectEffectEditor or DirectFunctionalEffectEditor |
The path of a CausalityRelationship, whose semantic role is
FailureModesEffectsAnalysisEffectsWithoutBarrierReference3 . |
effectsIsPreventedBy |
ExternalReferenceEditor The editor receives dragged acceptable
types. |
The editor receives dragged acceptable types. |
The path of a CausalityRelationship (the dataIndex is used to dispatch in
cells), whose semantic role is
FailureModesEffectsAnalysisPreventionReference3 . |
effectsIsProtectedBy |
ExternalReferenceEditor |
The editor receives dragged acceptable types. |
The path of a CausalityRelationship (the dataIndex is used to dispatch in
cells), whose semantic role is
FailureModesEffectsAnalysisDetectionReference3 . |
function |
FunctionEditor |
The editor receives dragged acceptable types. |
The path of a CausalityRelationship, whose semantic role is
FailureModesEffectsAnalysisEffectsWithoutBarrierOccurrenceReference3 . |
higherLevelEffects |
HigherLevelEffectsEditor |
The editor receives dragged acceptable types. |
The path of a CausalityRelationship, whose semantic role is
FailureModesEffectsAnalysisEffectsWithoutBarrierOccurrenceReference3 . |
HazardousEventEditor |
HazardousEventEditor The editor suggests the hazardous events of the analysis
context (the environment). |
The path of a CausalityRelationship, whose semantic role is
FailureModesEffectsAnalysisEffectsWithoutBarrierReference3 . |
Any other dataIndex |
ExtendedAttributeEditor |
The attribute of the model (CausalityRelationship or any other displayed model
such as a FailureMode) |