dataIndex Attribute

In the .json file, the dataIndex attribute takes its value in a list of predefined values.

This page discusses:


The dataIndex attribute is used for the following purposes:

  • Defining the editor that is used by any cell in the column. Editors are presented in the Editor column of the table below.
  • Defining where the data persists in the PLM. Paths are presented in the Persistence column of the table below.
  • Defining the column.

Note: Extended attributes can be created using the Specialize Data Model category in the Data Model Customization app with the corresponding administrative role. For more information, see Working with Data Model Specialization.

Predefined Values

For the dataIndex attribute, predefined and reserved values are defined as follows:

dataIndex Editor Name Editor Characteristics Persistence
actions ExternalReferenceEditor The editor receives dragged acceptable types. The path of a CausalityRelationship (the dataIndex is used to dispatch in cells), whose semantic role is FailureModesEffectsAnalysisPreventionReference3.
AnalysedItemImplementedFunctionEditor AnalysedItemImplementedFunctionEditor

The editor suggests the functions implemented (reference-reference link) by the analyzed item.

The path of a CausalityRelationship, whose semantic role is FailureModesEffectsAnalysisCauseOccurrenceReference3.
cause CauseEditor The path of a CausalityRelationship, whose semantic role is FailureModesEffectsAnalysisCauseOccurrenceReference3.
causeFailureMode CauseFailureModeEditor The editor receives dragged acceptable types.

The union of causeFailureMode and causeOccurrence gives cause.

The path of a CausalityRelationship, whose semantic role is FailureModesEffectsAnalysisCauseFailureModeReference3.
causeOccurrence CauseOccurrenceEditor

The union of causeFailureMode and causeOccurrence gives cause.

The path of a CausalityRelationship, whose semantic role is FailureModesEffectsAnalysisCauseOccurrenceReference3.
directEffect DirectEffectEditor or DirectFunctionalEffectEditor The path of a CausalityRelationship, whose semantic role is FailureModesEffectsAnalysisEffectsWithoutBarrierReference3.
effectsIsPreventedBy ExternalReferenceEditor

The editor receives dragged acceptable types.

The editor receives dragged acceptable types. The path of a CausalityRelationship (the dataIndex is used to dispatch in cells), whose semantic role is FailureModesEffectsAnalysisPreventionReference3.
effectsIsProtectedBy ExternalReferenceEditor The editor receives dragged acceptable types. The path of a CausalityRelationship (the dataIndex is used to dispatch in cells), whose semantic role is FailureModesEffectsAnalysisDetectionReference3.
function FunctionEditor The editor receives dragged acceptable types. The path of a CausalityRelationship, whose semantic role is FailureModesEffectsAnalysisEffectsWithoutBarrierOccurrenceReference3.
higherLevelEffects HigherLevelEffectsEditor The editor receives dragged acceptable types. The path of a CausalityRelationship, whose semantic role is FailureModesEffectsAnalysisEffectsWithoutBarrierOccurrenceReference3.
HazardousEventEditor HazardousEventEditor

The editor suggests the hazardous events of the analysis context (the environment).

The path of a CausalityRelationship, whose semantic role is FailureModesEffectsAnalysisEffectsWithoutBarrierReference3.
Any other dataIndex ExtendedAttributeEditor The attribute of the model (CausalityRelationship or any other displayed model such as a FailureMode)


  • For a failure mode:
          "text" : "Failure Mode",
          "dataIndex" : "directEffect",
          "width" : "200px"
  • For a multivalued attribute named AIRFlightPhase and created with its authorized values using the Data Model Customization app:
          "text": "Flight Phase",
          "dataIndex": "AIRFlightPhase",
          "width": "100px"
    For more information, see Working with Data Model Specialization.