Template Attributes

The root object contained in a .json template file corresponds to the table model.

The table model can contain the following attributes to describe the PRA tables:

Name Description Mandatory
columns Corresponds to an array of table columns. For more information, see columns Attribute. Yes
groups Defines the columns used to group by dataIndex and sort the display of the table column in an alphabetical order.

For example, with the following definition: "groups" : "function", "effectsWithoutBarrierOccurrence", columns are first alphabetically sorted by function names, and then by effectsWithoutBarrierOccurrence.

initializer Points to a module that creates and initializes causality relationships when you load a PRA table that has no causality relationships yet.

For example: "initializer" : "module:MyModule/FunctionFailureModesInitializer"

For more information, see About Customized Displays of PRA Tables.

mode Corresponds to the app mode: "FMEA" or "PRA".

Note: The "PRA" mode is used for Preliminary Risk Assessment, which means the analysis is performed in the context of an environment.


By default, this value is "FMEA".

proposedValuesManager Points to a module that initializes the proposed values and customizes the behavior of the editor.

For example:"proposedValuesManager" : "module:MyModule/ProposedValuesManager"

For more information, see About Customized Displays of PRA Tables.

style Refers to a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) that must be applied to the PRA table.

For example: "module:css!MyModule/assets/css/MyModule.css"

To define CSS rules, you can write an associated module. For more information, see Module Example for style Attribute.

templateFailureModes Corresponds to a list of functional failure modes used during the generation of failure modes.

For example: "templateFailureModes": ["Loss","Partial","Too late", "Too early", "Spurious", "Excessive"]

For more information, see Generating Failure Modes.

title Corresponds to the name of the table. Yes

Corresponds to an array of references to modules that loads the validation rules.

For example: ["module:MyModule/Rules"]


Module Example for style Attribute

td[data-rpnriskprioritynumber="9"], td[data-rpnriskprioritynumber="10"] {
      background-color: red;
td[data-rpnriskprioritynumber="8"], td[data-rpnriskprioritynumber="7"], td[data-rpnriskprioritynumber="6"], td[data-rpnriskprioritynumber="5"] {
      background-color: orange;
td[data-rpnriskprioritynumber="4"], td[data-rpnriskprioritynumber="3"], td[data-rpnriskprioritynumber="2"], td[data-rpnriskprioritynumber="1"] {
      background-color: yellow;