About XML Import and Export

The Preliminary Risk Assessment app can import and export PRA tables in XML, to exchange PRAs.

In an industrial context, complex systems are commonly divided into subsystems. These subsystems are designed by suppliers while an integrator exchanges data from the top-level system, which represent the interfaces between the subsystems. Thus, OEMs and suppliers must exchange PRAs in a common format.

The process consists of exporting PRA tables in an XML file, and then importing this XML back when modified.

See Also
Exporting to XML
Importing from XML

Specialized elements can also be imported and exported. For more information, see Working with Data Model Specialization.

A PRA can point to many PLM objects: RAMS objects such as failure modes, and other objects such as system architecture, process planning, requirements, change actions, documents, process plannings, etc. Objects which are not RAMS objects must have been imported on the server before using the import of PRA tables. They must have the same name as the name used in the XML file. When importing from XML, pointers are defined to identify these references and RAMS objects are created or updated in the PRAs.

Comments and characterizations are exported.

Computed attributes can also be exported.

The Bookmarks and the Favorites can also be exported. The imported objects are classified in Bookmarks and Favorites directly after the import operation.