Using the Manage Origins Panel

You can use the Manage Origins panel for assigning or removing origin links on items, systems, operations, or resources.

An origin link is defined between objects of the same type and lets you determine from which object the selected object was derived. For example, a locally manufactured product could be derived from a centrally manufactured product.

The following scenario illustrates how to use the Manage Origins panel for items. The same procedure can be used for systems, operations, or resources.

  1. Click Manage Origins .
    The Manage Origins panel appears.
  2. Select an item in the work area or tree (Provided Part01, for example).
  3. Click Add an Origin in the panel.
    The Applicative Search is activated in the top bar and a small panel appears.
  4. Select an item in the work area or tree, or using the search facility.
    If you selected Provided Part02, for example, an origin link is assigned between Provided Part01 and Provided Part02.
  5. Click Add an Origin, then select another item.
    If you selected Provided Part03, for example, an origin link is assigned between Provided Part01 and Provided Part03.

  • You can use Reconnect on Revision in the panel to reconnect the selected object. These objects include item, system, operation, or resource, and can be reconnected to a new revision of the object even if it is not loaded in the session. A panel is displayed to let you select any available revision of the selected object.
  • You can delete origins using Delete in the panel.
  • You can filter origins using Edit Filters in the panel. A Filter section appears that lets you filter values on selected columns.
  • You can manage origin attributes using Edit Attributes in the panel. An Attributes section appears that lets you hide/show columns of attributes.
  • You can manage panel preferences (status bar and messages) using Preferences in the title bar of the panel.