Creating Partial Item-Product Scope

Manually Create a Partial Item-Product Scope

You can manually create partial scope link on the first upper Item-Product scope when created item references using the Create Partial Item-Product Scope command.

  1. Select an item.

    Important: It cannot be an item of the following types: Provide, Transform, Mark, Annotate, Machine, Drill, Pre Drill, No Drill, Cut, Grind, Bevel, Split,Continuous Provided Part, Fasten, Unfasten.

  2. From the Authoring section of the action bar, click Create Partial Item-Product Scope .

    • You can also right-click the item and click Create Partial Item-Product Scope in the context menu.
    • You can Create Partial Item-Product Scope only if the item does not already hold a partial or full scope link (solved or broken) to the product.

    A partial Item-Product scope link on the first upper Item-Product scope is created.

When a partial Item-Product scope link is created, an orange dotted circle icon appears on the item node in the tree and an orange and blue dotted intertwined circles icon appears on the tile of the item.

  • You cannot modify partial scope links.
  • You can remove a partial scope link by right-clicking the item and clicking Remove Partial Item-Product Scope in the context menu. It removes the partial scope link but does not affect the lower implement links. The command is available only if the item holds a partial scope link (solved or broken).
  • You can reconnect existing lower partial scope links by right-clicking the item and clicking Reconnect Item-Product Scope in the context menu. When a partial scope link is broken, an orange dotted semicircle icon appears on the item node in the tree and a red icon appears on the tile of the item.
  • You can Create Scope on items holding a partial scope link to the product. However, creating a full Item-Product scope link overwrites the partial scope link. In this case, a dialog box open, click Yes to confirm the creation of the full scope link and remove the partial scope link.