Using the Alternates and Substitutes Management Panel

You can author and navigate alternates and substitutes. An alternate is a relationship that links two item references.

  • An item reference can be linked to several item references through an alternate relationship.
  • An item reference can be defined as an alternate for more than one item references.
  • An item reference that has an alternate can have a complete child-Manufacturing Assembly structure.
  • An item reference defined as alternate can have a complete child-Manufacturing Assembly structure.

Before you begin: Open a Manufacturing Assembly structure.
  1. In the Authoring section of the action bar, click Manage Alternates Substitutes .
    An empty Manage Alternates Substitutes panel appears.
  2. Select a Manufacturing Assembly tile or node in the tree.
  3. Click Add Existing Alternates in the panel.
    The Applicative Search is activated in the top bar and a small panel appears.

  4. Select one or more items.

    For more information, see Using the Applicative Search.

    The Manage Alternates Substitutes panel is updated showing alternates and substitutes according to your selection.

    The panel is organized into three expanders:

    • Manufacturing Alternates: displays and manages the MBOM alternates
    • Manufacturing Substitutes: displays and manages the MBOM substitutes
    • Alternates/Substitutes From Engineering Definition: displays the EBOM alternates and substitutes, and lets you create scoped/resulting items for them.

  5. Optional: Select a Manufacturing Assembly in the list of alternates, then click Open in Current App in the panel.
    The Manufacturing Assembly and its structure open in the work area. The manufacturing assembly also appears in the tree.
  6. Optional: Select a Manufacturing Assembly in the list of alternates or substitutes, then click Open in New Tab in the panel.
    The Manufacturing Assembly and its structure open in a new tab.

  • You can delete alternates or substitutes using Delete in the panel.
  • You can filter alternates or substitutes using Edit Filters in the panel. A Filter section appears that lets you filter values on selected columns.
  • You can manage alternate or substitute attributes using Edit Attributes/Substitutes in the panel. An Attributes/Substitutes section appears that lets you hide/show columns of attributes.
  • You can manage panel preferences (status bar and messages) using Preferences in the title bar of the panel.