Assigning Product Structure Nodes to Items

You can assign the nodes of a product structure to the items in a manufacturing assembly structure. The quantity for each item is automatically retrieved through business logic.

Before you begin: Open your content, which must contain a product structure and a manufacturing assembly structure with a scope defined between both roots.
See Also
Using the Spreadsheet
  1. From the Authoring section of the action bar, click PPR Spreadsheet .
    The spreadsheet appears, displaying attributes of the objects. For more information, see Manage PPR Object Attributes.
  2. From the tree or from the spreadsheet, drag a product node to a manufacturing item.
    A provided part is created and displays in the spreadsheet and in the item editor.

The products are assigned to the items. The quantity for each item is retrieved through business logic (Product or Part is Continuous (DELMA_IsContinuous_Product_ID)) and displayed in the spreadsheet.

  • You can drag a provided part with a discrete quantity from item A to item B. In this case, the dragged provided part is directly assigned to item B.
  • If you drag provided part A with a continuous quantity from item A to item B:
    • Sometimes the continuous quantity specified for item B is smaller than the one specified for item A. In this case, a new instance of provided part A (Provided Part B_2) is assigned to item B.
    • Sometimes the continuous quantity specified for item B is smaller than the one specified for item A. Plus, that item B already has a provided part with a continuous quantity assigned. In this case, the specified continuous quantity is added to the existing provided part.
    • Sometimes the continuous quantity specified for item B equals the quantity specified for item A. In this case, provided part A is deleted and replaced with a new instance assigned to item B.