Robot Arc Simulation: Arc Simulation

This document explains how to customize Arc Welding Visualization settings.

This page discusses:

Arc Weld Tags

Start Tag Color
Use the color list to determine the color for start point tags.
Weld Tag Color
Use the color list to determine the color for weld point tags.
End Tag Color
Use the color list to determine the color for end point tags.
Tag Name Prefix
Specify an alphanumeric string as the prefix of the name of each tag in the generated trajectory.

Seam Search Tags

Tag Color
Use the color list to determine the color for seam search tags.
Tag Name Prefix
Specify an alphanumeric string as the prefix of the name of each tag in the generated trajectory.

Approach/Departure Tags

Tag Color
Use the color list to determine the color for Approach and Departure point tags.
Approach Prefix
Specify an alphanumeric string as the prefix of the name of each generated Approach point tag.
Departure Prefix
Specify an alphanumeric string as the prefix of the name of each generated Departure point tag.

Trajectory Preferences

Trajectory Type
When defined as General, you can optionally select Pitch-Yaw-Roll behavior with Arc compass. If defined as Weld, the default Base-Rake-Roll is used.
Tessellation Algorithm
  • 3DExperience (fast) uses a rapid algorithm for spacing tags along a curve.
  • V5/D5 (slow) uses a slower algorithm that is compatible with previous releases.
Trajectory Name
You can enter a trajectory name to use.
Trajectory Gap Tolerance

The system takes into account this setting before you save a trajectory. A gap warning appears if two conditions are true: any contours in the trajectory have a gap between them greater than the distance specified and they have no via point(s) connecting them. You can change this value to a very high number (for example, 10000mm) to effectively deactivate it.

Contour Angle Tolerance

This setting is used during geometry selection. Normally, curves that are tangent are combined to create a single continuous contour. In cases where geometry selection results in two edges that are connected but not tangent, the contour is split into two contours if the included angular between the two edges is greater than the value specified here. You can change this value to 180deg to effectively deactivate this option.

Display Base and Wall Thickness
You can enable this preference to display the base and wall thickness at the Arc weld compass location when either the Orientation or Tags tabs are active in the Create Arc Trajectory dialog box.

Operation Preferences

Operation Name
You can enter an operation name to use.