Core and Cavity Separation

The Core and Cavity Separation options let you customize commands for Core & Cavity Separation.

This page discusses:

Pulling Direction

Display warning when non-connex Core or Cavity area found on update
Displays a warning when non-connex core or cavity areas are detected.

By default, Display warning when non-connex Core or Cavity area found on update is not selected.

Display facets causing undercut
Displays the facets in undercut, to help you understand why a face is considered in undercut.

By default, Display facets causing undercut is selected.

Parting Line

Display error when open curves found at update
Displays a warning when open curves are found.

By default, Display error when open curves found at update is not selected.

Side Surface

Display warning when holes found at update
Displays a warning when holes are found.

By default, Display warning when holes found at update is not selected.

Light Surface

Display error when wrong parameters found at update
Displays a message when you enter wrong parameters.

By default, Display error when wrong parameters found at update is not selected.