
You can set Performances preferences for Additive Manufacturing.

Lets you automatically adapt some Additive Manufacturing options for optimized performance.
These options are listed in the information dialog box that appears:

General tab:

  • Clear 'Update activity status automatically'
  • Select all Highlight check boxes in 'Color and Highlight'

Resources tab:

  • Clear 'Automatic query after modification'

Output tab:

  • Clear 'Store contact points in tool path'
  • Set 'Tool output point to 'Tooltip'

Material Removal:

  • Set Tool and Faceting to 'Standard'


  • Clear 'Display tool path during machining simulation'
  • Clear 'Synchronize material removal with simulation steps'
  • Set 'Max steps backward' to 0
  • Clear 'Enable detailed clash results'
  • Clear 'Compute volume information for each activity'

Infrastructure > DELMIA Infrastructure > Play Options:

  • Clear 'Simulate in real time'
  • Select 'Graphics Updates Every n seconds'

For next session:

  • Display ambience will be set to 'White Design'
  • 'Highlight Active Operations' will be checked in Simulation Options > Resources Simulation.

Also do the following:

  • Decrease Undo Stack Size in General > PCs

  • Click Yes to set the options as described in the dialog box.
    Note: If required, you can reset locally any of these options.
  • Click No to leave the options to their current settings.

The information box also lists some recommendations for manually setting other options that have an influence on performances.

Further optimization can be reached by setting CPU usage level for computationally intensive operations to Maximal in the Me > Preferences > General > PCS tab.

This setting allows parallel processing with two cores or more (up to all the cores of the machine).

Parallel processing helps reduce the elapsed tool path computation time and the overall programming time.

Parallel processing is available for the following operations:

  • Roughing, Cavities Roughing, Power Machining, Prismatic Roughing: during the sweeping step for Helical , Back and Forth or By Offset on part ... Strategy.
  • Sweeping: during the section step
  • Contour driven (Constant 3D in Parallel contour Guiding strategy)
  • Slope Area: during the section step
  • Preparation step (during the computation of the mesh) for all operations.


  • Parallel processing requires more memory since objects of each parallel process are in the memory simultaneously. For best performance, use 3.2 GB of RAM for a 32b machine and 2Gb per core for a 64b machine.
  • The activation of the parallel processing on nonsuitable hardware may lead to performance degradation because other aspects than processing capacity could become the bottleneck (for example, RAM).
  • For hyperthreaded machines, the maximum number of cores is twice the physical number of cores. Do not exceed 50% of the maximum for the number of cores.
  • The parallel processing activation provides a significant gain if run on a suitable hardware and processing large models.
  • Keep in mind that you can only make a subset of the computation steps parallel.