General tab:
- Clear 'Update activity status automatically'
- Select all Highlight check boxes in 'Color and Highlight'
Resources tab:
- Clear 'Automatic query after modification'
Output tab:
- Clear 'Store contact points in tool path'
- Set 'Tool output point to 'Tooltip'
Material Removal:
- Set Tool and Faceting to 'Standard'
- Clear 'Display tool path during machining simulation'
- Clear 'Synchronize material removal with simulation steps'
- Set 'Max steps backward' to 0
- Clear 'Enable detailed clash results'
- Clear 'Compute volume information for each activity'
Infrastructure > DELMIA Infrastructure > Play Options:
- Clear 'Simulate in real time'
- Select 'Graphics Updates Every n seconds'
For next session:
- Display ambience will be set to 'White Design'
- 'Highlight Active Operations' will be checked in Simulation Options >
Resources Simulation.
Also do the following:
- Decrease Undo Stack Size in General > PCs