System and Operation Management

The System\Operation Management options let you customize drag and drop options, constraints, and flows for Fastener Planning.

This page discusses:

Drag and Drop Assembly/Install/Kit on Workplan/System

Automatic creation of loading and fastening operations
When you drag an Assembly onto a tile in the System Editor, this option when selected automatically creates loading and fastening operations:
  • A Loading operation is created to implement each Part linked to the Assembly
  • A Fastening operation is created to implement each Fasten step linked to the Assembly
  • In addition, other check boxes become available to:
    • Create a Dedicated operation for the dragged item
    • Group Loading operations under a dedicated operation
    • Create Dedicated Loading operations to use previous items

By default, the main check box is selected, and the Dedicated operation for the dragged item option is selected.

Drag and Drop Operation in System Structure

Keep position
Select this check box to the keep position of operations you drag to a System, in the System Editor or in the PPR tree. You can choose one of the following modes:
  • Exact position: When selected, the position of the operations in the source System is copied to the target System. In case of overlap with existing operations, dragged operations are positioned by default.
  • Shift to the extreme right: When selected, dragged operations are automatically positioned to the right of existing operations on the System.

By default, the main check box is cleared.

Keep Time Constraints
When you drag an operation onto a new system, this option lets you keep time constraint links previously defined on the operation.

By default, this option is selected.

The following options manage resource assignments when an operation is moved from a system to another system or operation. Select the option:

Remove Implement links to Resources
All the resource links are removed from the moved operation. If a position relative to a resource is defined on the moved operation, the position is lost.

By default, this option is cleared.

Keep Implement links to Resources
The operation keeps all its resource links.
Note: The links are compatible with Resource-System scope. If a position relative to a resource is defined on the moved operation, the position is kept.

By default, this option is selected.

Manage Implement links to Resources with Assistant
The operation's resource links are managed through the Resource Assignment Assistant. The assistant evaluates possible resource rerouting for the moved operation and displays possible choices. If a position relative to a resource is defined on the moved operation, this position is kept or replicated on a new assigned resource of the same type.

By default, this option is cleared.

Drag and Drop Workplan Operation on System

Keep constraint
Automatically creates constraints and flows between local sibling operations implementing central operations.

By default, the check box is cleared.

Keep position
  • Exact position copies positions of workplan operations when assigned to the system.
  • Shift to the extreme right positions local operations on the right of existing operations on the system.

By default, the check box is cleared.

Move/Balancing Operation Consistency Check

Use business rule when moving/balancing operations
If selected, this option verifies the move or balancing of an operation relative to a CATRule script (DELMSDCheckOperationMove.CATRule). A message is issued if the move or balancing is prevented.

By default, the check box is cleared.

Item System Consistency Check

Prevent the creation of inconsistent constraints
If selected, this option prevents you from creating incoherent item assignments.

When you assign or modify an item assignment, the item constraints are checked. If you attempt to create an incoherent link, an error message is displayed.

By default, the check box is selected.


Select one or more of the following options to copy the configuration model when creating a scope link:

  • Copy model from Item to Workplan or System
  • Copy model from Workplan to System

Select one or more of the following options to copy the configuration model from the parent object when creating a child object.

  • Copy model from parent to child Workplan or System
  • Copy model from parent to child Operation

By default, no check box is selected.

System\Operation Outputs

Automatically load System\Operation outputs
When selected, this option automatically displays computed outputs on system or operation tiles.

By default, the check box is selected.