RULA ParametersYou can configure a total of nine parameters, all of which affect the result of the RULA analysis. These parameters define the threshold values for different degrees of freedom. These nine parameters transforms the questions involved in the RULA process angle comparisons. For example, during the calculation of a RULA result, the question might be is the neck bending to the side? This question is subjective. Unless creating a threshold than the software compares DOF 2 of the manikin's neck with the threshold defined in the RULA settings. If the value of that DOF is greater than 18.375 degrees, then RULA considers the neck to be bending. If you determine that 18.375 degrees (default threshold) is not an appropriate value for the neck, you could override this value. This uses the new value entered for the next RULA calculation, and affects the output accordingly.