Control Tower: Operations Experience: General

The General options let you customize the general options for Operations Experience and Operations Experience Builder.

This page discusses:

PPR Loading

Select one of the following options:

From database
When selected, loads the Best So Far data.
From index
When selected, loads the server indexed view.
Note: There may be an offset if the Best So Far data is not indexed. Navigation is based on indexed PPR Data, so nonindexed objects are not taken into account once the experience is opened.

By default, From database is selected.

Visualization Loading

Select one of the following options:

One-shot loading
When selected, loads all the 3D representations at once at the opening.
3D Shape progressive loading
When selected, loads the 3D representations according to your point of view in the 3D area.
This enables you to load your experience in a shorter time and reduces the memory consumption.
Some elements of your experience are not fully loaded at the opening. It behaves as follows:
  1. A first representation of the factories is displayed in the 3D area.
  2. Then, the representation improved progressively until the final 3D representation of all the factories.

By default, One shot loading is selected.