Scan Path Rules

The Scan Path Rules options let you customize default scan path rules for Powder Bed Fabrication.

This page discusses:

Global Parameters

Global Parameters
Scan Path Rule: Name of the scan path rule.
Slicing step: Specifies how the part is cut along the z axis. By default, the value is 0.1mm.
Downskin Upskin

Parameter Description
Minimal Skin Width The specific value that a surface is considered downskin. By default, the value is 1mm.
Number of Layers The specific number of downskin layers. By default, the value is 1.
Restrict Core by Downskin If set to True, the scan path for the core will not overlap the scan path for downskin.

Parameter Description
Minimal Skin Width The specific value that a surface is considered upskin. By default, the value is 1mm.
Number of Layers The specific number of upskin layers. By default, the value is 1.
Restrict Core by Upskin If set to True, the scan path for the core will not overlap the scan path for upskin.

Compose Strategy

Compose Strategy
The Compose Strategy tab contains the scan path definitions in each zone of application: Core, Downskin, and Upskin.
Zones Type: Core, Downskin, and Upskin.
Contouring In Fill

Parameter Description
Depth Orders the definitions from the most external one to the most internal one inside a zone.
Definition Name of the definition.

Specifies the frequency of the scan path to apply to the slices. By default, the value is 1 (integer).

Start Index of the first slice from which the definition is applied.
Range Specifies a number of slices on which the scan path definition applies.
Action Action available on the definition. You can edit or delete the definition.

Parameter Description
Depth Orders the definitions from the most external one to the most internal one inside a zone.
Definition Name of the definition.

Specifies the frequency of the scan path to apply to the slices. By default, the value is 1 (integer).

Start Index of the first slice from which the definition is applied.
Range Specifies a number of slices on which the scan path definition applies.
Action Action available on the definition. You can edit or delete the definition.

Definition Parameters
Scanning Rule: Lists the existing scanning rules that you can link to the scan path rule. You can create a new scanning rule here if one does not already exist.
Contouring XY Strategy

Parameter Description
Number contouring pass Specifies the number of contouring passes to create.
Radial step

Specifies the space between two consecutive paths of the same scan path. By default, the value is 0.1mm.

Offset from last contouring Specifies the space between the last contouring pass of the previous scan path and the current scan path. By default, the value is 0mm.
Random starting point Starts the scan path at a random point of the contouring trajectory.
From inner to outer passes If more than one contouring pass is defined, start the scan path from the inner pass to the outer one.

In Fill
Hatching Stripe Chessboard

Parameter Description
Infill mode Specifies the scan path mode, such as back and forth, or one way.
Angle rotation between slices Specifies a rotation angle between a given slice and the previous or next one. This is useful to alternate the direction of hatching for example.
Hatching Direction Direction of the hatch pattern when applied for the fist time. By default, the value is 0.
Radial step Specifies the space between two consecutive paths of the same scan path. By default, the value is 0.1mm.
Offset from last contouring Specifies the space between the last contouring pass of the previous scan path and the current scan path. By default, the value is 0mm.

Parameter Description
Infill mode Specifies the scan path mode, such as back and forth, or one way.
Angle rotation between slices Specifies a rotation angle between a given slice and the previous or next one. This is useful to alternate the direction of hatching for example.
Stripe angle to Hatching direction Angle of the stripe toward the hatching direction. By default, the value is 90 degrees.
Hatching Direction Direction of the hatch pattern when applied for the fist time. By default, the value is 0.
Stripe width Distance between two consecutive red dotted lines.
Radial step Specifies the space between two consecutive paths of the same scan path. By default, the value is 0.1mm.
Offset from last contouring

Specifies the space between the last contouring pass of the previous scan path and the current scan path. By default, the value is 0mm.

Parameter Description
Infill mode Specifies the scan path mode, such as back and forth, or one way.
Angle rotation between slices Specifies a rotation angle between a given slice and the previous or next one. This is useful to alternate the direction of hatching for example.
Stripe angle to Hatching direction Angle of the stripe toward the hatching direction. By default, the value is 90 degrees.
Hatching Direction Direction of the hatch pattern when applied for the fist time. By default, the value is 0.
Square size Length of the square.
Radial step Specifies the space between two consecutive paths of the same scan path. By default, the value is 0.1mm.
Offset from last contouring Specifies the space between the last contouring pass of the previous scan path and the current scan path. By default, the value is 0mm.

Scan Path Order

Scan Path Order
The Scan Path Order tab lets you modify the order of the scan paths.