Scheduling and Execution

The Scheduling and Execution options let you customize (brief_summary_of_options) for all Process Engineering apps.

Scheduling and Execution

Compliant with Scheduling and Execution

Select this option to enable Compliant with Scheduling and Execution mode, where you can create only objects that are compatible with DELMIA apps for Scheduling and Execution (Supply Chain Planning and Optimization apps and 3DEXPERIENCE Apriso apps).

In Compliant with Scheduling and Execution mode, the following restrictions and behaviors apply:
Object Creation
  • A Workplan system cannot have a child Workplan system.
  • A Header operation cannot have a child Header operation.
  • A General operation cannot have a child operation.
Operations in a Workplan In a Workplan system, operations must have a parent Header operation.

For example:

- Workplan system
            - Header operation 1
                  - General operation
                  - Loading operation
            - Header operation 2 
                  - Loading operation

  • Implement links cannot point to resources.
  • Capable resources links must point to Header operations and operation steps.
Drag and Drop
  • Manufacturing Assemblies can be dragged to Header operations only.
  • The same drag and drop preferences apply on Header operations as on systems.

    For more information, see System\Operation Management.

Assignment Manager In the Assignment Manager panel, the Resource tab is not available for Workplan systems and Header operations.

By default, the check box is not selected.