
The Utilization options let you customize the computation and visualization of systems and working resources for all Process Engineering apps.

This page discusses:

Utilization Criteria (%)

Depending on whether you are working in a system or resource context, the utilization of systems or working resources can be visualized according to a set of colors and associated values. The default colors and associated values are as follows:

  • Red: Utilization is greater than the maximum value (greater than 100%, by default)
  • Magenta: Utilization is within an upper intermediate range (greater than 90% and less than or equal to 100%, by default)
  • Blue: Utilization is within a lower intermediate range (greater than 75% and less than or equal to 90%, by default)
  • Green: Utilization is less than the minimum value (less than or equal to 75%, by default)
    Note: You cannot modify this value.

Utilization greater than a maximum value (100%, by default) and less than a minimum value (75%, by default) are always displayed.

By default, all the check boxes are selected.

Utilization Computation

When the Calculate and display utilization of systems and working resources option is selected, the utilization of systems and working resources is automatically calculated and displayed.

By default, the check box is selected.