
The Sectioning options let you customize different settings for sections.

This page discusses:

Section Mode

Specifies how the product should be displayed when the Section command is launched.

Cross view
Displays objects in their entirety, with just a contour indicating where the sectioning is applied.
Cut view
Displays cut objects.

By default, Cut view is selected.

No contours and capping computation during manipulation
Shows the section result at the end of the section plane manipulation only. This improves the system performance.

By default, this check box is cleared.

Export Mode

Specifies how sections should be exported.

Use polylines for export
Exports sections as polylines. You can use this export mode when exporting a section as a new 3D shape or drawing representation, or to an existing product or 3D shape representation.
Use curves for export
Exports sections as curves. You can use this export mode when exporting a section as a new 3D shape representation, or to an existing product or 3D shape representation.

By default, Use curves for export is selected.

Default Graphic Properties

Specifies the default graphic properties which represent section planes at the time of section creation.

Section Plane Color
Defines the color used to represent the section plane.

By default, the color is set to grey.

Section Plane Transparency
Defines the opacity of the section plane.
Tip: To prevent the section plane from disappearing do not set the opacity to 255.

By default, the transparency is set to 128.

Contour Color
Defines the color of the section contours.

By default, it is set to black.

Contour thickness
Sets the line thickness used to represent section contours.

By default, the thickness is set to index 1 (that is, 0.13 mm).

Contour Dominant
Enables the contours to be displayed dominantly even when they are overlapped by an object.

By default, this check box is selected.

Display Section Information in 3D
Displays the section information in the 3D area.

By default, this check box is selected.

Plane Visu Mode

Defines the visualization of the section plane at the time of section creation. Select the desired option:

Contour with plane
Select this option to display the section plane and the section contour.
Contour with grid plane
Select this option to display the grid and the section contour.
Only contour
Select this option to display only section contour.

By default, the Contour with plane option is selected.

Update on Product Structure Modification

Automatically updates the section contour and capping when you perform any product modifications such as hiding a product or moving a product interactively.

By default, this check box is selected.