Common Submission

Common Submission options let you choose various configurations to optimize how and where the simulation runs.

This page discusses:

Common Submission

Default number of cores

Choose the default number of processor cores to be used to compute simulations. This default can be overridden by the user when a particular simulation is run.

By default, this preference has the value 4.

Important: The app computes frequency simulations on a single host computer.

Type of cores used when running locally

Specifies whether simulations run locally use Physical cores, which are real hardware CPUs; or Logical cores, which are the physical cores multiplied by the number of threads that you can run on each core using hyperthreading.

Use graphics processor for computing

Uses general-purpose computing on graphics processor units (GPGPU) capabilities to accelerate simulation execution.

GPGPU acceleration cannot be used for explicit dynamic steps (in the Mechanical Scenario Creation app).

Use specified scratch folder

Specify a scratch folder to store temporary files generated during the execution of a simulation. Once the simulation completes, these files are deleted. Choose a folder on a disk with enough space to accommodate the amount of data produced from a large simulation.

The option only applies when you choose Interactive or Detached execution mode in the Simulate dialog box. Remote execution uses the station temporary directory as the scratch folder.


License model

Specifies whether you run simulations using SimUnit tokens and credits or the "legacy" Simulation tokens for licensing.