
The Trajectory options let you customize the Trajectory Infrastructure for Assembly Evaluation.

This page discusses:

Trajectory Options

Trajectory Name
Lets you specify a name for the track.
Trajectory Time
Lets you set the default time associated with an object traversing the track.

By default, this option is selected and the time is set to 5s.

Trajectory Speed
Lets you set the default speed associated with an object traversing the track.

By default, this option is not selected.

Automatic Anchor Positioning

Part Bounding Center
When selected, the part bounding center is determined by the bounding established for the part.

By default, this option is selected.

Part Origin
When selected, the part origin is determined when the part is created.

By default, this option is not selected.

Trajectory Visualization Settings

Line Color
Lets you choose a color to display the trajectory.
Line Type
Lets you choose the type of line (for example, dashed, unbroken) used to display the trajectory.
Line Weight
Lets you choose the width of the line used to display the trajectory.
Point Color
Lets you choose the color of points defined on the trajectory.
Point Pattern
Lets you choose the appearance of points defined on the trajectory.