Engineering Folder

The Preferences page option lets you customize Engineering Folder for Bookmark.

Expand this section to access options for Engineering Folder.

Engineering Folder

Background Color
  1. In the Background color list, select the color you want the background of the folder and folder structure dialogs.
  2. Click OK to accept the changes.

Enable References Expand
  1. Select the Enable References Expand to enable the expansion of references and representations in folders or folder structures.
  2. Click OK to accept the changes.

Tip: The Enable References Expand command expands all subfolders and items from the selected folder. The command is not effective on an item. However, you can expand items. The parent folder must be refreshed from the database using the collapse and refresh command or the Enable References Expand command.
Activate the 3D Navigation
Select the checkbox to activate the 3D Navigation.
  1. Select the Activate the 3D Navigation option to enable 3D display in the folder window.

  2. Click OK to accept the changes.