
The Tree options let you customize tree-related settings for System Finder.

Expand this section to access options for:

This page discusses:

Stable Order for Physical tree node

Order the tree nodes (only for Physical Products)
Select the Order the tree nodes (only for Physical Products) box if you want graph nodes to be ordered as defined using the Graphical Tree Reordering command. (Note: this command is only available in an Authoring window.)

By default, this option is activated.

Order alphanumerically
Select the Order alphanumerically check box if you want to order nodes alpha-numerically. The order begins with numbers, lowercase alphabets, and then upper case alphabets.

By default, this option is deactivated.

Note: You can select only one option.

Select Under

Show representation instance
Select the Show representation instance box if you want to show the representation instance.

By default, this option is deactivated.

Tree Display

Enable the grouping nodes by applicative types

This option enables you to group objects of same applicative type under one node in the tree, thereby making the tree more readable.

Select Enable the grouping nodes by applicative types to activate the option.

By default, the option is set to Disable.