
The Rules options let you turn on or off the rules available for checking the consistency between the position of the fastener and its associated fastened parts stored in an engineering connection. You can define the criticality levels in the Fst_Standard file. For more information, see Customization of the Fst_Standard File.

This page discusses:

B.I. Essentials

Standard Rules
Stacking Consistency
Also referred to as STK, this rule checks the consistency between the fastened parts available for the fastener within a limit and its associated fastened parts stored in the engineering connection. The available fastened parts are computed according to an interval from the fastener origin, along its normal and two distances (a first and a second limit).

By default, the criticality is set to High and this rule is not activated.

Spot Center Distance to Flange Edge
Also referred to as FCE, this rule checks that the distance between the origin point of the current fastener and the flange edge is greater than the specified distance.

By default, the criticality is set to Medium and this rule is not activated.

Spot Border Distance to Flange Edge
Also referred to as FBE, this rule checks that the distance between the border of the current fastener and the flange edge is greater than the specified distance.

By default, the criticality is set to Medium and this rule is not activated.

Minimum Spot Spacing
Also referred to as MSP, this rule checks that the distance between the current fastener and the other fasteners of the selected product structure is greater than a specified distance.

By default, the criticality is set to Low and this rule is not activated.

Normal Consistency with Piloting Part
Also referred to as NCPP, this rule checks the consistency between the fastener instance normal and the piloting part normal.

By default, the criticality is set to High and this rule is not activated.

Fastener Positioned at Common Node
Also referred to as FPCN, this rule checks whether the fastener is positioned in the tree under the common parent node of the fastened parts or not.

By default, the criticality is set to Medium and this rule is not activated.

Fastener in Clash
Also referred to as FCLS, this rule checks if a clash is detected between the fastener geometry and any other part or fastener geometry. If a clash is detected, the first part detected is indicated in the reports

By default, the criticality is set to High and this rule is not activated.

Flexible Fastener Length Consistency
This option is available only if the associated rule is set in the Fst_Standard file. Also referred to as FFLC, this rule checks the consistency between the fastener geometry and the stacking thickness.

By default, the criticality is set to High and this rule is not activated.

Stacking Consistency Check Rule KO: Hypotheses

Select one of the following options:

Fastener stacking is incorrect
Allows to verify if the check performed using the Stacking Consistency (STK) rule is KO because of an incorrect fastener stacking.

By default, this option is selected.

Fastener location is incorrect
Allows to verify if the check performed using the Stacking Consistency (STK) rule is KO because of an incorrect fastener location.
Either location or stacking is incorrect
Allows to verify if the check performed using the Stacking Consistency (STK) rule is KO for one of the two reasons detailed above.