Generate Product Structure

The Generate Product Structure options let you customize BIM export priority and overlapping geometry options for Buildings Space Planning.

This page discusses:

External References

Keep link with concept building model
Links the BIM product structure and the concept building model.

Structural Members

Export catalog members as datum geometry
Exports catalog members as datum geometry. Select this option when your building model has a large number of catalog members of varying lengths.
Create Structure Detail Design Members
Exports steel members as Structure Design members.
Note: If the system fails to find a Structure Section product in the database, it creates a member from component library. This situation could occur if you fail to select the check box and try to use the BIM export steel member in Structure Design.

Export Priority

This section is a listing for the elements the system processes during Export BIM. The app processes the building by story. For each story, it uses the order set in this Export Order list to determine the processing order.

Note: Export BIM includes many elements in its export that the system omits from Export Order. These features, catalog components, and position components are missing from Export Order because they have no impact on the geometry of other features.

Wall Objects Priority

This section is a table of Export BIM priorities determining the export of walls.

Lists the Export BIM attributes that create walls, that is, walls, spaces, elevators, and stairwells. The column includes Thickness and Creation Time.

The system applies wall attributes in the order they are listed in Attribute.

Controls the order (ascending or descending) the app uses to sort the values of each wall attribute.
Lists Yes for any attribute Export BIM includes and Ignore for any attribute the export is to exclude.

Slab Object Priority

This section is a table of Export BIM priorities determining the export of slabs.

Lists the Export BIM attributes that create slabs, that is, slabs and elevator pits. The column includes Thickness, Overall Depth, Top, Bottom, and Creation Time.

The system applies Slab attributes in the order they are listed in Attribute.

Controls the order (ascending or descending) the app uses to sort the values of each slab attribute.
Lists Yes for any attribute Export BIM includes and Ignore for any attribute the export is to exclude.


Use these controls to change the order of the attributes or export order. From the list, select the attribute or export order element and then click UP or DOWN until you are satisfied with the order.
Ascending List
Use these controls to change how the values of an attribute are sorted. You can set the order for an attribute either in ascending or descending order. The Ignore selection directs the Export BIM to ignore the attribute entirely.

To change the Sort sense order, select the attribute and from the list, click Ascending or Descending.

To have Export BIM ignore an attribute, select the attribute and from the list, click Ignore.