
The administration options let you customize layout management, styles, and Generative View Styles settings for 2D Layout for 3D Design.

This page discusses:

Layout management

Disable switch of standard
Select this check box to make it impossible to change standards, that is, to use a standard other than the one currently defined in the New Layout dialog box.

By default, this check box is cleared.

Disable update of standard
Select this check box to make it impossible to update standards for the current document in the New Layout dialog box.

By default, this check box is cleared.

Disable background view access
Select this check box to make it impossible to access the background view.

By default, this check box is cleared.

Disable view upgrade
Select this check box to deactivate the Upgrade contextual command, which is available for layouts, sheets and views. This also deactivates the Disable view geometry upgrade option.

By default, this check box is cleared.

Disable view geometry upgrade
Select this check box to deactivate the sketched geometry upgrade in views.

By default, this check box is selected.

Page Setup Directory

Specifies the path to the directory containing frame and title block macros.

By default, this box is empty and a concatenation of paths based on the installation path is used: install_root/VBScript/PageSetup.


Property toolbars' behavior

Click Configure... to configure in the Property Toolbar's Behavior dialog box, the behavior of most properties available in the Text Properties, Dimension Properties, Numerical Properties, and Graphic Properties toolbars.

For more information, see Default Behaviors of Property Toolbars.

Use style values to create new objects

Select this check box if you want dialog boxes and the Tools Palette toolbars to be prefilled with custom style values (as defined in the Standards Editor) when creating new annotations. In this case, the Tools Palette is disabled during the creation of the annotation. If you leave this box cleared, the annotation dialog boxes and the Tools Palette is prefilled with the last entered values (except for Texts, Texts with leader, Balloons, and Datum features). In this case, the Tools Palette is active during the creation of the annotation.

If you select this option, you can reset the current style values in the dialog boxes at any time using the Reset option unless it is disabled.

By default, this check box is cleared.

Display Reset button in dialog boxes

Select this check box to display the Reset button in dialog boxes. Clear this option to hide the Reset button in dialog boxes and to disable the Reset functionality. This option only concerns dialog boxes referring to annotations, dimensions, dress-up, 2D geometry.

By default, this check box is selected.

Generative view style

Disable Generative View Style definition on layout views
Clear this check box to enable generative view style definition on layout views. In this case, it is possible to select a generative view style in the View Creation dialog box displayed when running the following commands: New View, New Section/Auxiliary View, New Section from 2D Planes, New View From and Axonometric View. The generative view style is taken into account when generating a drawing (or a View from 3D in a drawing), from the layout view.

By default, this check box is selected.

Enable parameter override
Select this check box to enable parameter override.


Disable lock editing property access

Disables the Lock Editing property access for Text, Table Cells, or Balloons.

By default, this check box is cleared.

Naming Uniqueness

Ensure uniqueness of sheet names
Select this check box to ensure the uniqueness of sheet names during creation or renaming.

By default, this check box is cleared.

Ensure uniqueness of view names
Select this check box to ensure the uniqueness of view names during creation or renaming.

By default, this check box is cleared.

In sheet
Check the uniqueness of view names in the sheet where a view is created or renamed.
In layout
Check the uniqueness of view names in the layout.

In sheet is selected.

Ensure uniqueness of filter names
Select this check box to ensure the uniqueness of filter names during creation or renaming.

By default, this check box is cleared.

Distinguish SBCS and DBCS characters
This option is available for selection only when Ensure uniqueness of sheet names, Ensure uniqueness of view names, Ensure uniqueness of filter names, or all are selected.

Select this check box to distinguish between single-byte character set, SBCS, and double byte character set, DBCS, formats for sheet names, view names, or filter names during creation or renaming.

This means Sheet.1 written in SBCS format is different from S h e e t . 1 written in DBCS format.

By default, this check box is cleared.

Distinguish lower case and upper case
This option is available for selection only when Ensure uniqueness of sheet names , Ensure uniqueness of view names, Ensure uniqueness of filter names, or all are selected.

Select this check box to distinguish between lowercase and uppercase for sheet names, view names or filter names during creation or renaming.

This means Sheet.1 is distinguished from sheet.1.

By default, this check box is cleared.

Assembly Context

Allow selection of element:

An element can be a geometrical element or an annotation.

In the active product only
Lets you select an element in a representation belonging to the parent product of the active representation only.
In the favorite context only
Lets you select an element in a representation belonging to the favorite context only.
Wherever possible
Lets you select an element wherever possible.

By default, Wherever possible is selected.

Display a warning message for selection outside:
Active product
Displays a message when selecting outside the active product.

Not available with In the active product only option.

By default, this check box is cleared.

Favorite context
Displays a message when selecting outside the favorite context.

Available only with Wherever possible option.

By default, this check box is selected.

Create engineering connections in the parent product of:
The selected assembly geometries
Lets you create engineering connections in the parent product of the selected assembly geometries.

By default, this option is selected.

The selected assembly geometries and the created annotations
Lets you create engineering connections in the parent product of the selected assembly geometries and the created annotations.

Insert from File

Show geolocation options panel while inserting from a DXF or a DWG file
Select this check box to display the geolocation options panel while inserting from a DXF or a DWG file.

By default, this check box is cleared.