Stable Order for Physical Tree Node
- Order the tree nodes
- When this option is selected, nodes are ordered as defined using the Graphical Tree
Reordering command.
This command is only available in an Authoring
By default, the check box is selected.
- Order alphanumerically
- When this option is selected, nodes are ordered alpha-numerically. The applied order
is: 1) numeric 2) capital alpha 3) lowercase alpha.
By default, the check box
is not selected.
You can select only one option.
Select Under
- Show representation instance
- When this option is selected, the representation instance is displayed.
By default, the check box is not selected.
Tree Display
Select the option:
- Disable the grouping nodes by applicative types
- When this option is selected, objects of the same applicative type are not grouped
under one node in the tree.
- Enable the grouping nodes by applicative types
- This option enables you to group objects of the same applicative type under one node
in the tree, which can help make the tree more readable. Select the grouping nodes from
the list.
- Only applicative types from the Fastener, Piping, and Electrical disciplines are
available for grouping.
- When the option is activated, grouping nodes will not be displayed in the 3D
when the "in-place" navigation mode is activated.
By default, the Disable the grouping nodes by applicative
types option is selected.