Presentation (Play) Mode

These options let you specify timing options for the presentation mode (Play).

This page discusses:


Animation Length
Sets the duration of the smooth transition applied when switching between position, viewpoint, or stage variants (when the latter contains position or viewpoint variants), in presentation mode (during Play).

By default, the transition lasts five seconds.

Slide Show Delay
Sets the length during which each variant appears, when the slide show mode is playing for the variant line.

By default, each variant appears during one second.

Enable animation smoothing
Activates ease in and ease out for smooth animations.

By default, this option is selected.


Capture current viewpoint when capturing a stage
When capturing a stage, captures the current viewpoint in the new stage variant.

By default, this option is selected.

Capture VR viewpoints with focal length
Specifies your HMD (Head-Mounted Display) device and the corresponding focal length. When playing the experience in the VR mode, viewpoint variants generated during a review are created with the corresponding focal length value.
User-defined focal length
Defines the focal length of the virtual camera used when playing the experience in the VR mode. If your HMD device and its focal length are not listed in Capture VR viewpoints with focal length, then you can enter your value here.