Item Grid Editor

The Item Grid Editor options let you customize display and output in the Item Editor for Manufactured Item Definition.

This page discusses:

App Opening

Create root item at opening
This option allows you to specify whether or not a root item is to be created, if none already exists, when you open the app.

If a root item is to be created, you can specify the item type using the Root item type list below. The following item types are available:

  • Manufacturing Assembly
  • Manufactured Material
  • Manufacturing Kit
  • Manufactured Part
  • Provided Part
  • Continuous Manufactured Material (length, mass, area, and volume)

By default, the check box is selected and a Manufacturing Assembly root is created when you open the app.

Insert product in PPR structure when item editor is opened on product
If this option is selected, when a product is opened in the app, it is automatically inserted into the PPR structure.

If this option is not selected, no product is inserted. If a product is opened in the current window, it is not inserted in the PPR tree during transition. You will have to insert a product node to the PPR structure later.

By default, the check box is selected.

Layout Expand Direction

This option allows you to specify the expand direction of the graph in the Item Editor.

The following directions are available:

  • Down: Predecessors are expanded in the direction down below the root tile.
  • Up: Predecessors are expanded in the direction up above the root tile.
  • Right: Predecessors are expanded in the direction to the right of the root tile.
  • Left: Predecessors are expanded in the direction to the left of the root tile.

By default, the expand direction is Up.


This option allows you to customize the colors of precedence links and data requirement links.

By default, the precedence links color is orange and the data requirement links color is blue.

Output Display

Show output on Manufacturing Assembly tile
If this option is selected and you select the 3D representation on a Manufacturing Assembly tile with a resulting product, then the resulting product is selected and highlighted.

If this option is not selected and you select the 3D representation on a Manufacturing Assembly tile with a resulting product, then the incoming item is selected and highlighted.

By default, the check box is selected.