Display Name Customization

The Display Name Customization options let you customize how the names of objects are displayed in the user interface.

Note: To customize the display name on an object, you need to customize on its type explicitly. Even when this object is actually derived from another type: the customization will not be applied to the objects of its derived types.

Expand this section to access options for Attribute Market.

Attribute Market

Customize Order in Node

This option lets you customize the order in which references and instances are displayed in the tree. Click the arrow to access the option.

Select the Customize Order in Node option, and then enter your instructions. You can either:

  • Enter your instructions manually in the box. For example, you can remove #Ref to display only instance information.
  • Click the appropriate option: Add Reference Attributes lets you add the #Ref# instruction for reference information and Add Instance Attributes lets you add the #Inst instruction for instance information.

By default, this option is deactivated. Reference information is displayed first and instance information is displayed between ( ), as shown below:

If you enter (#Inst#)#Ref instead, instance information is displayed before reference information, as shown below:

Important: To see your modifications after closing the Options dialog box, collapse then expand the tree to refresh it.

You can also add a string. For example, entering MyCustomization #Ref#(#Inst#) displays the following result:


Lets you select the object type on which the customization is applied. The types displayed in this list depend on the environment you selected.

By default, no object type is defined.

Available Attributes/Displayed Attributes

Lets you select the attributes to be displayed in the tree. By default, the Displayed Attributes list is empty.

  • If the object type you select from the Object list has an enterprise extension, the attributes related to this extension are displayed in the Available Attributes box, and you can choose to display them in the tree. Attributes related to enterprise extensions are only displayed in authoring tabs.
  • If a customization is already stored in .CATSettings files, this customization is applied.
  • If a previous customization does not exist in the settings for the selected object, a READ mask is used to obtain the list of available attributes. Notice that in this case the Displayed Attributes list is empty, but all the available attributes will be displayed. For more information about masks, see the People & Organization section in the server administration documentation.

To transfer attributes to the Displayed Attributes list, select the required attributes in the Available Attributes list and then click Right. In the example below, three attributes have been selected in the following order: Maturity State, Revision, and Title:

The other buttons let you manage the Displayed Attributes list:

  • Left: Lets you remove one or many attributes from the Displayed Attributes list.
  • Up: Lets you move one or many attributes up in the Displayed Attributes list.
  • Down: Lets you move one or many attributes down in the Displayed Attributes list.
  • Reset: Lets you clear the Displayed Attributes list.

For example, if you put Revision in first position in the list, then this attribute will appear in first position in the node:


The Separator box lets you separate attributes by a string or a character. For example, if you enter pipes (||), attributes will be separated as follows:

To remove the separator, empty the Separator box, and then click OK. When you refresh the tree, the separator is no longer displayed.