Default Prefix for Power InputProvides a list of predefined prefixes used to run a search or a command through the power input box. If one of these prefixes is selected, it means that this prefix is set as the default prefix and therefore, this avoids having to type it at the beginning of the search string or before the command name in the power input box.
Default Search Scope for Power InputProvides a list of predefined search scopes used to run a search via the power input box. If one of these scopes is selected, it means that this scope is set as the default scope and therefore, this avoids having to type it at the end of the search string in the power input box. For example, if you set n: as name: as the default prefix then, when searching for objects named "wheel", you just have to type wheel in the power input box, there is no need to type n:wheel or name:wheel anymore. The list contains the following predefined search scopes:
Deep Search
Maximum Displayed ResultsDefines the maximum number of search results to be displayed at the same time in the result list. If the number of search results exceeds the specified maximum, navigation buttons are provided in the Find dialog box. You also have the ability to display all the search results on one page using the Display all check box in the Find dialog box. The maximum value you can set is 5000. Set this number to 0 if you don not want any limitation and always want all the elements to be displayed. Displaying too many lines can stick more or less the results list so it is recommended to limit this number.
Maximum Prehighlighted ElementsDefines the maximum number of elements that can be pre-highlighted in the 3D area and in the tree, provided that the Pre-highlight check box is selected in the Find dialog box. If the number of elements to be pre-highlighted exceeds the number you set, nothing is pre-highlighted (even if the Pre-highlight check box is selected). The maximum value you can set is 5000. Set this number to 0 if you do not want any limitation and always want all the elements to be pre-highlighted. Prehighlighting too many elements can stick the session so it is strongly recommended to limit this number.