Manipulation- Move Robot with 3D devices
Lets you move the Robot using 3D devices (a
SpaceMouse®, for example) when put into the 3D scene. When the Robot is docked in the top right corner
of the screen, the space mouse moves the viewpoint. When the Robot is in the scene, then the space
mouse moves the Robot. By default, this option is selected.
Maximum frequency for event sending
- Max Frequency (event/sec)
- Maximum frequency (number of events per second) at which events are sent by peripheral
This value aims at limiting the frequency
of emitted events for some devices. Polhemus, for example, is not
impacted by this value. We recommend that you use the default value,
unless the peripheral device you are using has special
requirements. A process filters the mass of
events generated when using I/O devices and relays only the useful
events. The c:VR
Monitor command activates a diagnostic dialog box (named
VRMonitor) displaying any drivers declared to the broker as well as any
events those drivers are able to send.
SpaceMouse® Rotation Center- Automatic Rotation Center
- Automatically computes the position of the center of rotation (referred to as "CoR").
The following algorithm is used:
- If the object is displayed in full view, the CoR is set to the
center of the bounding sphere and the algorithm terminates.
- If the object is not displayed in full view, then a point is
picked in the object beneath the center of the viewport with a
default pick window size. If a valid point is picked, the CoR is
set to this point and the algorithm terminates.
- If no valid point is picked, then a new point is picked beneath
the center of the viewport with a different pick window size. If
a valid point is picked, the CoR is set to this point and the
algorithm terminates.
- If still no valid point is picked, then the CoR remains
The above algorithm is executed when
manipulating the camera/viewpoint in Examine mode. In former releases,
or when the option is not selected, the default CoR position is set to
the viewpoint target position.
By default, this option is selected.
- Display Rotation Center
- Displays or hides the icon representing the CoR. This gives you a visual feedback of the CoR's
current position for the device when working in Examine mode.
The icon is a two-dimensional icon (bitmap) and it
is centered on the pixel position of the 3D CoR regardless of how this
position was calculated (that is, manual selection or automatic

Select the appropriate option:
- Hide: the icon is never displayed
- Show On Motion: the icon is visible only
when the device is active
- Always Show: the icon is always
If both Always
Show and Automatic Rotation
Center are selected, then the CoR position is
recalculated whenever you finish a camera or viewpoint manipulation (for
example, when a "standard" camera view is used). By default, this option is set to
Show On Motion.